Chef Davide Cerretini
There are many options for chef services in Tuscany, but an evening with chef Davide Cerretini stands out from the crowd.
Born and raised in Tuscany, chef Davide spent 30 years building an international career in the restaurant business in the San Francisco Bay Area before becoming a well-known celebrity chef. He has appeared on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah and starred in a documentary about Yelp (Billion Dollar Bully), as well as taking part in international food festivals and being interviewed for worldwide online and print publications. He is well known for his sense of humor and entertaining presence.

What to Expect
Of course, booking a meal with chef Davide does not include only his excellent Tuscan cuisine...you are getting the full benefit of his knowledge, personality and company. He has in intimate and deep knowledge of the wine and food from the Tuscan region, and also a lifetime of international experience, which gives him a unique perspective. He is not the usual local Italian chef you might find in this area. He opened the first Livornese restaurant outside of Italy, in Sausalito, CA and is known as an innovative communicator and thinker, creating a new business model for restaurateurs, for whom he has become a symbol of change through his successful stand against one of the biggest review platforms in the USA, Yelp.
Reserve your event with chef Davide with confidence, knowing that he will work with you to tailor the perfect menu for you and your guests, and will provide you with an evening of superb food and the excellent experience you deserve.
Chef Davide is based in Volterra, and is available to travel throughout Tuscany: Firenze, Siena, Chianti region, Arezzo, San Gimignano, Forte deii Marmi, Viareggio, Livorno, Pisa, Garfagnana, and all of the Maremma Toscana area. Areas outside of Volterra, Lajatico and San Gimignano are an additional €90 in travel costs.
If you are based outside Tuscany please email to inquire about availability. Additional travel and accommodation expenses will apply.

RECENT NEWS: La Nazione. Davide Cerretini, lo chef Usa stregato da Volterra
Originario di Livorno, volto noto della tv americana, dopo ventisette anni all’estero ha scelto di ripartire da qui per le sue lezioni di cucina
"Originally from Livorno, this well-known face of American TV has chosen to live here to teach cooking lessons after twenty seven years abroad"